Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Ridiclulous times call for ridiculous desserts. This is where a decadent peanut butter chocolate pie comes in. A few quick steps, a long chill and a little sliver at a time. This pie can feed a troop...VOILA!

Make a regular graham cracker crust in a pie dish. Add some cocoa powder to the mix for that extra dash of choco fix. Bake for about 15 min or so, until set.

In a medium bowl, with an electric mixer, combine until whippy:
1 cup of peanut butter
1/3 c. of sweetened condensed milk
1/2 c. Greek yogourt

Once the crust is ready, smooth the peanut butter mixture into the pie and chill for about 15 min.

In the meantime, make the top layer of chocolate creaminess:
For the microwave, in a medium size bowl, combine 1.5 c. of choco chips, I like semi- sweet dark, and 2 tbsp of heavy cream. In 30 second intervals, 2 or 3, melt the chocolate until glossy and smooth. Let cool for a bit.

Now, whip 1/2 c. of heavy cream until soft peaks form. Fold the cooled chocolate mixture into this, and watch a lovely, light-ish and creamy mixture emerge. This now is the top layer to the pie.

Once the chocolate layer is placed onto the pie, into the fridge it goes for a few hours to chill and set. Take it out of the fridge about 30 min before serving.

Of all my un-refined plebeian baking over the years, this might be the richest concoction yet. So, one bite at a time...so, so yummy. 


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